Core competencies

What are core competencies?

Core competencies - is a set of knowledge, skills and attributes that an employee needs to successfully perform his or her professional duties. These competencies can be related to both technical skills and personal characteristics such as communication, stress resistance or teamwork.

Key competencies differ for different positions. For example, for a manager it may be the ability to make decisions and manage a team, while for a programmer it may be knowledge of specific programming languages and skills in solving technical problems.

Companies often develop competency models to determine the requirements for employees at different levels. Such models help in hiring, training and evaluating staff.

Having key competencies allows an employee to perform his/her work at a high level and benefit the company. The development of key competencies is one of the main tasks for both the employee and the employer.

Key competencies are the basis for building career path. They show you what skills you need to develop to move on to the next position or learn a new profession.

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