and what we believe
Performance improvement plan is an individualized document developed for an employee to help him or her improve performance. Such a plan is drawn up when an employee faces difficulties in performing his or her duties or fails to achieve expected performance.
The primary purpose of the plan is to not punishment, but support and assistance to the employee. The document includes:
Specific goals that the employee is expected to accomplish;
A description of the tasks and actions required to accomplish them;
Clear timelines for implementation;
Criteria for assessing progress.
Various measures such as training, coaching or reassignment of tasks can be offered to improve efficiency. For example, an employee who has difficulties with time management may be offered time management training.
An effective performance improvement plan not only helps the employee improve his or her performance, but also builds his or her confidence. It also reduces the risk of layoffs by keeping valuable talent in the company.
It is important that the plan be realistic and discussed with the employee. Transparency and management support are essential.