and what we believe
Absenteeism policy is a set of measures aimed at managing and reducing unjustified absenteeism. Absenteeism can be caused by various reasons: low motivation, health problems or personal circumstances.
Here are the basic elements of an absenteeism policy:
01. A clear definition of absenteeism: includes a description of situations that are considered unexcused absences, such as failure to report to work without notice or regular tardiness;
02. Record keeping and monitoring system: Use of tools to track attendance;
03. Causes of absence and their analysis: regular examination of the reasons for absenteeism (stress, illness, dissatisfaction with working conditions);
04. Measures to reduce absenteeism: These may include the introduction of flexible work schedules, improvement of working conditions and corporate culture, support for the physical and mental health of employees, loyalty and employee engagement programs;
05. Feedback and sanction procedures: Establishing transparent rules: from the need for absence notification to disciplinary measures for systematic violations.
Effective policies help improve the work environment and reduce lost productivity due to absenteeism.