Gross amount

What is the gross amount?

Gross amount is a value “до вычетов”, whether it is money, time, or resources. For HR specialists, it serves as the base figure from which actual values, like employee salaries or company expenses, are calculated.

For example, gross employee income — это общая сумма всех начисленных выплат до проведения каких-либо вычетов. Сюда входят оклад, премии, бонусы и другие выплаты, предусмотренные трудовым договором или политикой компании. Например, если сотрудник имеет оклад 80 000 рублей и получает премию в размере 20 000 рублей, его валовой доход составит 100 000 рублей. Но “на руки” он получит меньшую сумму, так как из валового дохода будут вычтены налоги, страховые и пенсионные взносы.

Gross hours is the total scheduled working hours, excluding absences like sick leave, vacation, or personal time off. For example, if an employee was scheduled to work 160 hours in a month but was absent for 8 hours due to illness, the gross number of hours would remain 160, while the actual number of hours worked would be 152.

We should also mention gross personnel costs, which is all expenses incurred by the company for an employee. In addition to wages, this includes taxes, insurance premiums, training costs, bonuses, and other mandatory or voluntary expenses. For instance, if an employee has a gross salary of $5,000, but the company spends an additional 30% on social contributions, the total gross personnel cost for that employee would be $6,500.

The use of gross figures helps HR specialists and company management to assess personnel-related costs, analyze labor efficiency and plan budgets. They ensure transparency and allow for reasonable calculations. This is especially important when optimizing costs and forming HR management strategies.

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